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高考模拟2022 全国100所名校英语金典卷13答案

[db:作者] 高三试卷 2021-11-04 08:01:48 0

高考模拟2022 全国100所名校英语金典卷13答案,目前整理了高考模拟2022 全国100所名校英语金典卷13答案各科的试卷和答案,更多完整联考试卷及其答案请关注微信号:趣找答案

高考模拟2022 全国100所名校英语金典卷13答案

高考模拟2022 全国100所名校英语金典卷13答案


1. (2019高一下·平顶山期末) 阅读理解

    For most people, a cinema experience is not complete without a bag of popcom,but believe it or not, there's actually a guy tryi补写出下列名句名篇中的空缺部分.(1)三岁为妇.靡室劳矣, .靡有朝矣.()(2)蟹六跪而二螯. .用心躁也.()(3)宫中府中.俱为一体, .不宜异同.(诸葛亮)(4) .金块珠砾. .秦人视之.亦不甚惜.()(5)登斯楼也.则有心旷神怡. .把酒临风.其喜洋洋者矣.()(6) .切问而近思.仁在其中矣.()(7) .勿临渴而掘井.(朱柏庐) 题目和参考答案ng to get popcom forbidden at the theater.

    Mike Shotton has never been able to enjoy himself there because his experience is always destroyed by having to bear people chewing popcorn. He finally lost his patience when he went to watch Star Wars with many children eating popcorm.

    "The noise has annoyed me since I was a lttle kid," Shotton said."I'm the kind of person that if I hear something in the background, I focus on that until that's all I can hear.I was really looking forward to Star Wars. I couldn't believe the amount of noise during the film—it compltely destoyed my viewing"

    So the 39-year- old started a petition (请愿) on petition-buzz. com, hoping to get nid of popcorn from cinema across the U. K."I call on you now to stand with me, and tell others that no longer are we prepared to let this destroy our film viewing," he said.

    Unsurprisingly, his petition has only received 126 signatures so far. In fact,someone started an opposite petition in response, arguing that popcorn is an important part of a cinema experience. However, more people were in support of Shotton, and he actually won.

    "My next plan is to start a further petition which, if it gets enough signatures, will mean it has to be decided by the government whether it'll be forbidden," he said. "I'm also planning to campaign (运动) outside cinemas and explain to people about the petition and trying to encourage them not to buy popcorn when they go into the cinema." It sounds great, but I think people love popcorm too much for this to actually work.

1. (2018高一下·仙桃期末) 阅读理解     It's a big world out there, and there's not nearly enough time to see it all in a lifetime. Wherever you're going, the key to a great travelling experience is preparation and information. So whether you're heading off on a short package tour or planning a “round-the-world” adventure, it includes working out how much you have to spend, where you'll stay, who you'll travel with and any documents(证件)you'll need. We can help you so you can soon be on your way to that great trip. A backpacker's survival guide     Backpacking, it seems, has never been hotter. Young people everywhere are longing to experience backpacking and the adventure that is independent travel. Tips for affordable overseas travel     Looking forward to experiencing the fun and excitement of an overseas trip? Overseas travel doesn't have to be expensive. You'll still need to do some serious saving. But with some careful research, planning and budgeting, you can make it. Find out about budget travel, working holidays and discount travel cards to make travel affordable. Getting around overseas     Once you've reached your overseas destinations(目的地), you can often choose a way of getting around to suit the sort of travel experience you want, your available time and your budget. Staying safe overseas     Looking after your health and well-being when you travel overseas is kind of a no-brainer. You can't travel if you get sick or injured and you certainly don't want your long-awaited trip ruined because of an avoidable illness or accident. Planning your trip     Any overseas travel needs some well-considered planning. These days you can do loads of research via the Internet. Our list of sites at the end of this article will help get you started. Once you get started, researching and planning your trip is almost as fun as actually taking it.

.选出有错别字的一项 ( ) A.戊戌 戎装 戍守 戒骄 戒躁 B.木椟 黩武 文牍 渎职 牛犊 C.芳菲 门扉 蜚声 绯红 烟霏云敛 D.糜烂 风靡 奢糜 羁縻 靡靡之音 阅读下面材料.根据要求作文. 世界华人成功励志第一人陈安之说:“成功学有一个定律--你只要重复不断思考的事情.并且相信它.它都可以变成真的. 请结合材料和自己的体验与感悟.写一篇文章.要求:①角度自选.立意自定,②自拟标题.自选文体,③不少于800字,④不得套作.不得抄袭.

