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[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-01-07 11:00:23 0 英语周报



martine found the carper rolled up in a comer and camied it to the pool. Then the found some rope in the garage and tied the rope to/ one side of the carpet They tied the rope to two poolside grab bars and made sure the carpet lay I against the inside pool wall."I hope it works, said Stephen:Stephen and Martine waited and waited.
but the koala didn t appear, and the"pool wall koala aid was almost forgotten Martine seemed a bit disappointed SPLASH Shen and Martine looked at euch other with the same mought It could be Mr Bak dog or Martn ne ran outside with Stephen I quickly. The water shone on the koala s furry head He swam around, and then swam toward the I Grabbing it with his front feet, he slowl pulled his fat body up and out of the water. With four feet planted firmly on the ground. he shook I himself and ran off. Martine laughed."I ll always emember my trip to Australia and the swimming koaia. she sad.



