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天一大联考 2022届高三年级单元测评卷(四)4英语试题

[db:作者] 高三试卷 2022-03-10 18:16:52 0 天一大联考

天一大联考 2022届高三年级单元测评卷(四)4英语试题,下面是天一大联考 2022届高三年级单元测评卷(四)4英语试题部分示例,验证如下:

天一大联考 2022届高三年级单元测评卷(四)4英语试题

2. What made Vergunov lose hope for life?
A Death of a loved one.
B No help from others?
C. Failure of his career.
D Comfort with present situation

3. What can be inferred from Vergunov's words?
A. He is honest?
B. He is modest?
C. He is optimistic?
D. He is warm-hearted

4. Why is Vergunov unwilling to sleep in a night shelter for the homeless?
A. It is too far for him.
B. He cant make a living there.
C. There is no wasle to pick up.
D. He is threatened by other homeless people

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